That's what this will be initially. - just a learning curve. As I write this, I wonder if I can add this to my Blackberry. Some of my best musings, and poetry, and ideas come when I am still in bed.
Apart from that, this keyboard's spacebar doesn't operate every time, and I have to keep backspacing to correct it. Blackberry also automatically puts in the apostrophe's which is so handy and just allows the words to f l o w.....
Does this blogsite have emoticons? They are so good at emphasising a point, or setting a tone. That's the thing with technology, we have gotten to the stage where we rely on little smileys and abbreviations to show our moods - as opposed to our words conveying the mood so much more eloquently than WTF!!!
That tells our reader that there is something we are not particularly happy about .... but not specifically what.
Mmmm I'll have to think of an example of what I mean, though my sister, Beverley could probably rattle something off in three seconds flat.