Sinfonia Cruise January 2011

Sinfonia Cruise January 2011
Raine and Keagan - partying the night away

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

From SA to UK

So we have made the decision to emigrate.  It's been a tough decision and even more,  I'm still not 100% sure it's the right thing to do,  but the wheels are in motion and there's no turning back now.

And then of course,  every time I consider that perhaps  we shouldn't go,  something happens to remind me why we should... The simmering tension of the nation,  the corruption and arrogance of the government,  the education system's downward spiral and the ever increasing unemployment rate.

I know things won't be perfect over there,  but I just want to feel safe,  to not panic because there are unknowns hovering outside my gate;  to walk into a shop and be greeted with a smile,  and not the sullen indifference one gets now.  I know we will struggle with the unfamiliarity of the roads, the areas,  the systems,  the procedures; with the weather,  the no maids,  and the filling of our own petrol.  We may not find friends easily,  but then Kevin isn't a sociable person,  so I'll develop my interests,  Raine will make friends through her job as a beauty therapist and through Keagan and Nancy, and Kevin will have his motor bike.

We'll take Skyla to all the parks and playgrounds in York,  then we'll take day trips on the weekend and explore the countryside and take photos of all the quaint house and historical architecture and bore everyone on Facebook with those same pics.  We'll love the long days in summer,  and enjoy the crisp freshness of autumn,  the sparkle of Christmas,  and endure the cold,  miserable days until Spring comes along.  And it will.

And we'll Skype everyone we love, back home... Because in spite of leaving,  South Africa will always be my home.

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